Saturday 1 February 2014

X-wing Imperial Lists..say WHAT!

Hello me again (Well I reckon you would of guessed is my blog)
But yer anyway!
As most of you know I only normally fly rebels, I dont fly Imperial often at all, why? well because I just cant fly them aswell, but I am now planning to have a go again with Imperials!

So here are 3 lists I have made, mostly for a bit of fun while practising with different Imperial techniques.

List 1- Bomb Squad

Bounty Hunter
Recon Spec
Seismic Charge

Gamma Squadron Pilot
Seismic Charge

Gamma Squadron Pilot
Seismic Charge

Gamma Squadron Pilot
Seismic Charge

Total points 98

Basically go around putting the charges everywhere and trying to do as much damage as possible with them

List 2-Shuttle Fun

Omicron Pilot
Engine upgrade

Omicron Pilot
Engine upgrade

Obsidian pilot

Obsidian pilot

Academy pilot

Academy pilot

Total points-100

Because well I bought a second shuttle, just for advanced sensors (yes a expensive card) but I thought well I want to use both in a swarm kind of list!

List 3- Swarm

Scimitar Pilot
Proximity Mines

Scimitar Pilot
Proximity Mines

Obsidian pilot

Obsidian pilot

Academy pilot

Academy pilot

Academy pilot

Total points-100

So a 7 ship swarm with a difference, mainly because I wanted some extra mines for damage output, and then even after they use the mines, I have 7 ships to dog fight with.

Anyway thats it today :(

Happy Gaming though :)

And I will leave you with a picture of a tie bomber :)